Potentiel : Kranamax Ltd possède un potentiel important de croissance et d’innovation dans le secteur de la transformation des métaux, grâce à l’expérience et au professionnalisme de notre équipe et aux technologies de pointe que nous utilisons.
We use the latest technology in the welding processes as well. The company staff consists of professional welders with long-term professional experience. The certified personnel has worked on numerous high-quality welds.
We offer MIG-MAG and WIG welding with maximum power of electricity 400 A. Our welding machines are KEMPPI and MILLER. We make welding of steel details, tube constructions with length till 6 meters and weight till 3 tones. We also offer spot welding and robotic welding (Fanuc) at details with length till 3 meters and width till 1.5 meters, by one or by two sides.
We weld ferrous metals, stainless steel and aluminum. After welding we make cleaning of welding and painting (powder and wet).
FoxLaser offers all types of welding of ferrous and non-ferrous metals: 7-axis robot cell for MIG/MAG welding. Positioner up to 5 tons. MIG/MAG – electric arc welding in a protective gas environment with a melting electrode. TIG – electric arc welding in a protective gas environment with a non-melting electrode and with automatic supply of additional material. TIG MICRO-WELDING with PUK-U3. MAW – manual metal (electric) arc welding. SPOT electric resistance welding. We have 3D welding tables for assembling complex sheet and tubular structures. Their dimensions are 3000/1500/200 mm and 2400/1200/200 mm. The use of special attachments and fixtures or the assembly of several tables together makes it possible to increase the size of the assembled structures.
Vacuum El System provides a wide range of welding services for mild steel, stainless steel, nickel alloy and aluminum parts. Our extensive expertise ranges from welding of simple metal frames, through complex cabinets, to very complex gas valve and vacuum chamber assemblies. Highly skilled workforce, following recognised International Standards (EN ISO 1011, EN ISO 5817), ensures all assemblies meet design specifications with excellent performance. Our development programs constantly improve the technical, drawing- interpretational, industrial safety and measuring skills of employees, passing on the benefits to the customer.
We operate the latest technology and equipment from leading companies (Miller, ESAB, Fronius). We provide:
TIG Welding
MIG/MAG Welding
Spot Welding
Bearbeitung von Stahl bis zum 25 mm, Edelstahl bis zum 20 mm und Aluminium bis zum 15 mm und 250-300 kg Bauteilgewicht und 1500x3000 mm Bauteilabmessungen.
Ние сме компания за металообработка. Като такава знаем, че масата за заваряване е задължително оборудване, гарантиращо точност и еднаквост на всяко изделие. Точно затова проектирахме собствена Маса за заваряване / Заваръчна маса.
Масите за заваряване са подходящи за любителски, полупрофесионални и професионални работилници и предприятия. Изключително стабилни и удобни.
Масите са проектирани по стандарт с 16мм отвори и са съвместими с оборудване за заваряване по същия стандарт. Подходящи са за множество операции.
Размери на масата за заваряване:
Размерите на плота: 1200х800х100 мм
Височина на масата: 800 мм (може да бъде изработена с различна височина според нуждите на клиента)
Отворите на масата: диаметър 16мм с разстояние един от друг 100мм
Дебелина на материала: 8мм
При необходимост от по-голяма работна площ, масите могат да бъдат съчетани в различни конфигурации.
Steel leg in trapezoidal shape suitable for all kind of tables and desks, it has welded construction, powder painted, rectangular steel pipe 40 mm x 60 mm, 2 units heavy-duty metal plates with 8 holes each. The base is equipped with adjustable leg leveling glides for perfect adjustment on the floor. All our products are Made in Europe.
Latest model 2000W Fiber Laser Cutting Machine with IPG source for your needs.
Carbon Steel up to 16 mm
Stainless Steel up to 7mm
Aluminum up to 6 mm
Copper and Brass up to 4mm
We have combined the laser machine with a 6+1 axis CNC Press Brake 3200/100T in order to meet your part or component manufacturing needs without interruptions to your supply chain.
Potential: Kranamax Ltd holds significant potential for growth and innovation in the metal processing sector, thanks to the experience and professionalism of our team and the advanced technologies we employ.
Potenzial: Dank der Erfahrung und Professionalität unseres Teams und der fortschrittlichen Technologien, die wir einsetzen, verfügt Kranamax Ltd über ein erhebliches Potenzial für Wachstum und Innovation im Bereich der Metallverarbeitung.
Offriamo saldature MIG-MAG e WIG сon potenza massima della corrente pari a 400 А. Gli apparecchi di saldatura sono KEMPPI e MILLER. Eseguiamo la saldatura di articoli in lamiera, strutture tubolari alle dimensioni fino a 6 metri e peso fino a 3 tonnellate. Offriamo altresì la saldatura a punti e la saldatura robotizzata (FANUC) di pezzi alla lunghezza fino a 3 metri e larghezza fino a 1,5 metri, da una e due parti.
Saldiamo metalli ferrosi, acciaio inox e alluminio. Dopo la saldatura provvediamo alla limatura e verniciatura (a polvere e spruzzo).
Wir bieten MIG-MAG und WIG Schweissen mit maximaler Stromleistung 400 А. Die Schweissgeräte sind KEMPPI und MILLER. Wir machen Schweissen von Blecherzeugnissen, Rohrkonstruktionen mit Grösse bis 6 Meter und Gewicht bis 3 Tonnen. Wir bieten auch Punktschweissen und robotisiertes Schweissen (FANUC) für Teile mit einer Länge bis 3 Meter und Breite bis 1.5 Meter, ein- und zweiseitig.
Wir schweissen Eisenmetalle, Edelstahl und Aluminium. Nach dem Schweissen machen wir Schweissnahtreinigung und Anstreichen (Pulverlackierung oder Anstreichen).
Le piegatrici che abbiamo a disposizione permettono la lavorazione di precisione di tubi al diametro esterno massimo di 50 mm e altezza della parete di 3 mm. Siamo altresì in grado di piegare tubi e profilati a grandi raggi e grande lunghezza - 6 mm. Con l’attrezzamento disponibile realizziamo strutture saldate alla lunghezza fino a 6 metri e peso fino a 3000 tonnellate. Ciò permette di fabbricare prodotti complessi e strutture di tubi e profilati piegati di ottima qualità. L’azienda realizza:
Carpenterie su cui sono installati impianti di produzione
Rastrelliere portabiciclette
Pompe per il pompaggio a mano di acqua da grandi profondità
Unità e elementi tubolari per macchine e apparecchiature
Elementi tubolari per apparecchi a gas
Recinzioni metalliche
Tettoie per giocatori di riserva negli stadi
Tettoie parcheggio biciclette